I must be in the target demographic because I pretty much tracked with the movie note-for-note: video games, comic books, band angst (!), being a crappy boyfriend even though you want to be a nice guy (!!), gin & tonics. I was so-so on Michael Cera and not at all sold on Mary Elizabeth Winstead's character (f'ed up hair and skin weirded me out). But 30 minutes into the movie I was convinced and I ended up really enjoying how the writer and director handled their relationship. The fight scenes were also great.
When the movie came out several reviews focused on how the characters weren't likable but in rom-coms most of that stuff scales, right? The tension in most Rom-Coms comes from a misunderstanding that could be resolved with one or both of the characters being honest or serious character flaws stunting the relationship. There is obviously overlap: my character flaw is my inability to be honest.
Perhaps the characters were hard for someone over 40 to "get" but I don't see how they're any more unlikable than a couple in and other rom-com
I might even look to buy this movie when it comes out.
Missed this when you initially posted it. I loved the movie. Was completely sold when the Vegan Police busted in.